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Sabtu, 28 April 2012

Robot Paling Cerdas di dunia ''TAHUN 2012''

Coba tebak apakah wanita cantik ini manusia atau robot ???Di luncurkan pada pameran Robot di Hongkong  Robots in Motion 2012″ Expo''
one of the world’s most sophisticated (and beautiful)robots came to life.
begitulah mereka menyebutnya''robot yang hidup dan yang paling cantik
dan diberi nama ""Female Android Geminoid F''.

Bayangkan sebuah dunia di mana robot melakukan lalu lintas, bekerja di pabrik,membuat lantai sushi dan vakum kantor. Ini mungkin tidak jauh.
Di Jepang, robot sudah di gunakan untuk mengerjakan perlengkapan umum, dan prototipe terbaru datang semakin dekat kepada orang-orang yang memisahkan garis dari mesin.

Minggu ini, selama kunjungan pertamanya ke Hong Kong, perempuan android GeminoidF mengobrol, bernyanyi dan tersenyum sedangkan orang banyak terpesona menjepret foto.

Pencipta-Nya, Jepang robotika, guru Hiroshi Ishigurodiprogram built-in komputernya dengan 65 perilaku, membuat satu-satunya  robot dunia yang paling cerdas.

Developed by Prof. Hiroshi Ishiguro at Osaka University and ATR.
PROFIL Prof. Hiroshi Ishiguro PENCIPTA ROBOT INI :

BornHiroshi Ishiguro
EmployerOsaka University

Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro (石黒浩 Ishiguro Hiroshi) is director of the Intelligent Robotics Laboratory, part of the Department of Systems Innovation in the Graduate School of Engineering Science at Osaka UniversityJapan. A notable development of the laboratory is the actroid, a humanoid robot with lifelike appearance and visible behaviour such as facial movements.
In robot development, Professor Ishiguro concentrates on the idea of making a robot that is as similar as possible to a live human being; at the unveiling in July 2005 of the "female" android named Repliee Q1Expo, he was quoted as saying "I have developed many robots before, but I soon realised the importance of its appearance. A human-like appearance gives a robot a strong feeling of presence. ... Repliee Q1Expo can interact with people. It can respond to people touching it. It's very satisfying, although we obviously have a long way to go yet." In his opinion, it may be possible to build an android that is indistinguishable from a human, at least during a brief encounter.
Ishiguro has made an android that resembles him, called the Geminoid. The Geminoid was among the robots featured by James May in his 5 October 2008BBC2 documentary on robots Man-Machine in his series Big Ideas. Ishiguro has been listed as one of the 15 Asian Scientists To Watch by Asian Scientist Magazine on 15 May 2011.



  • Best paper award at the 4th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2009), March 2009
  • Best paper and poster awards at the 2nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2007), March 2007
  • Best Humanoid Award (Kid size) at RoboCup 2006 (Bremen, Germany).

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